Thursday, March 24, 2011

Success Needs Efforts

Dreams are the wonderful creations which man sees while he/she is sleeping or while he is into his leisure or else when he wants to achieve something big in his life. Everybody of us wants to be a multimillionaire, have multiple cars of big bands, have big house, many servants roaming around and a luxurious life with lots of respect in the mind of public.
A reason can be having role models in life or getting facinated with somebody elses life.. Having a role model in life is a positive sign but knowing only half of their life becomes negative. Because every successful person is not successful by birth, but by his efforts, focus and dreams and implementing those dreams in real life.
The successful person is successful because he/she has spent many sleepless nights working to achieve success. They have done all kinds of works and have gone through all the hardships which todays generation avoids.
Everyone wants to be successful but nobody wants to work is todays mantra for life.
Everyone wants to be Sachin Tendulkar, Vijay Mallya, Ratan Tata, Bill Gates, Narayan Murthi and so on.... But no body knows how much hardships are faced by these people to reach at thins level.
The front office always looks good and it has to look good, but it doesn't mean the same is with the back office. The back office has all the work, all the processes are done in the back office, all the difficulties are handled in the back office. So don't get facinated by the front office. To get the best we need to leave the rest.
For all the luxuries and success in the later stage, one should work hard today. Sachin is Sachin ot because he is a sports man but he worked hard in the innitial stage, mastered the area he is good at. And today everybody know Sachin. Even he had seen difficulties, hardships.
But winning is ot qitting.
It is said that the difference between successful person and not successful person is the additional effort which the person gave when others quit is the mantra of success.
No body wants to get up early or spare some time in the evening for exercise but everybody wants to stay fit and healthy. Efforts are aways needed as implementation of thoughts (Positive) is always needed.
So my final conclusion with this blog is have derams, have role models and give your level best to achieve those dreams. And do check out the previous life of your role models and get inspired from that as well. At the same time never hesitate from doing any kind of work. All work are equaly important, the thing which matters is you should be perfect in it.

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