As people come and go, we create a perception about them. For some people we have a sense of liking and for some we don't. But as time passes we build a sense of liking for those as well whome we didn't like in the innitial stage. Because our first impression with these people becomes negative. As we spend some time together, we find a sudden change and see that the person whome we hated the most is the person with whome we love to spend the maximum time. This case happened with me for 2-3 times.
There are some people with whome we want to be friends but our ego becomes a barrier and doesn't allow us to talk. This is another barrier but it goes with the passage of time as we get a chance to talk to the person in a friends party or we coincidently meet the person somewhere and start talking, and surprisingly we find the person is totally different from our perception and our thoughts match a lot. Then we become good friends.
There are some people whome we know because of a common person or a common friend. Then we find the persons frequency matching our frequency and we become friends. The last category of people with whome we feel comfortable from the very first day.
The toughest part is when your best friends priority for you is getting divided with somebody more special to him/her. In short he/she is getting married. Then his/her phone is always buisy or on waiting, he/she has less time to spend with you, now he/she has another person who claims all the rights which ones we had.
So the conclusion which i want to draw about friendship is, one day there will be somebody who will be far important to your friend than you. The solutions to this issue are:
1. You let it be as it is happening
2. Ask and convince your friends spouce to allow you to take the same position as a friends for the life left.
Because friends are the ones with whome we have spent the best moments of our life and when we sit back we miss those moments a lot.